A Scary Story on Halloween

One day left in the month…  and one more scary story to share in honor of Halloween.  This is my favorite holiday, aside from Christmas, and for years I had the honor of publishing short stories commemorating the holiday.  Two down, one to go…  I hope you have enjoyed reading these tales as much as […]

Good Morning

There are two days left in the month…  and two more scary stories to share in honor of Halloween.  This is my favorite holiday, aside from Christmas, and for years I had the honor of publishing short stories commemorating the holiday.  I posted one yesterday; this is another one.  I hope you continue to enjoy. […]

The Piper’s Fee

There are three days left in the month…  and three scary stories to share in honor of Halloween.  This is my favorite holiday, aside from Christmas, and for years I had the honor of publishing short stories commemorating the holiday.  This is one of them.  I hope you enjoy.                                                                               |           |                                                                              The […]

On Wordsmithing

I’ve written 5,400 words in the past few hours.  I’m literarily exhausted.  But I’m not quite done, I think. One of the repercussions of my conversation last night with my best friend over the next batch of stories I will be focusing on, I suppose.  I have a bit over a dozen stories-in-progress.  I had […]

Sometimes, Pain is Necessary

Every idea I have for a story—every story I want to write, every character and every setting—makes sense in my own head.  Every story is a good story.  It’s when I start sharing those stories with others that I start to discover whether they are really good or not. It’s a painful process, but it […]

And Now for Something Different

I thought about finding / writing another animal-related poem tonight, but I’m here at the final part of my Opeth discographic adventure (the most recent album I have by them, not the most recent album they’ve released…  time to buy some new music, methinks).  And I am moved to write something about bands changing genres, […]

Said the Falcon to the Hawk

Here’s another old poem…  I guess I’m on an animal kick right now?  Goodness knows there are worse things in life than devoting rhyme and rhythm to the ones with whom we share this planet.  I can’t remember if this one has been published before or not.                                                                               |           |                                                                              Said the Falcon […]

The Spirit of the Fox

How about another brand-new poem, written in the time it took to listen to another Opeth album?                                                                               |           |                                                                              The Sprit of the Fox The spirit of the fox, it seems,Is prone to plans, designs and schemes.It often goes to great extremesTo think outside the box. It loves to tease a complex […]

I’ve Got Lots of Character, Part 2

I don’t know, I guess I’m not done with character-creation mode yet, or something. I go through phases when it comes to determining what I need to know about characters prior to their appearance in my stories.  Right now, I start with their name, age and whatever role they play in the setting to which […]

I’ve Got Lots of Character

Lots of writing today, but very little of it in the vein of poetry or prose.  In fact, most of it isn’t even publishable, at least not until I’m such a famous published author that everything I’ve ever written is somehow worth compiling and studying.  Just you wait. But I’m getting ready to delve into […]