The Jury’s Still Out on This One

I received a letter in the mail a few weeks ago informing me of potential Jury Duty starting tomorrow.  According to the instructions in the letter, I was to call (or check online) and see if my particular Juror Number would be required to report for duty first thing in the morning.  According to both […]

We Now Return to Our Regularly Scheduled Program

I have Disney+ again.  Time to catch up on WandaVision.                                                                               |           |                                                                              Unfolding The mysteries unfolding nowBefore my watching eyesKeep me entranced.  I wonder howThe hero lives and dies.With inspiration they endowThe watching one who fliesFar higher than the fates allowOn wings that still surprise.                                                                               |           |                                                                              Written while […]

A Solid Day Off

Today was a solid day off.  I even managed to write a little bit. Mostly, though, I’m still having issues with concentration and interruption.  I think that has become my big issue with returning to writing.  When I was between jobs, I could sit at the computer all day, listen to music and get into […]

Writing About (Not) Writing

I’ve been staring at an empty page (or the digital equivalent) for far too long.  I actually wrote tonight’s poem over the course of ten minutes, and spent twice that trying to figure out what to write before the poem.  Sometimes, when I can’t think of something to write, I will write about not knowing […]

Now Watching… Nothing, Really

I finished the second season of Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts a week or so ago.  I have yet to start watching the third season. There’s no real reason why I haven’t delved back into the series.  I have been enjoying it quite a bit up to this point, and certainly need to know […]

Done with the Day

After fourteen hours of work and social obligations, I am done with the day. I can be active at work, interacting with customers and associates and management, ever with a smile on my face.  I can enjoy being on my feet for eight hours and putting in almost ten thousand steps in the process (a […]

The Courting Continues

Over the weekend, I actually figured out how to write again. All the chipping away at my writer’s block is paying off, I would say.  Maybe some writers and artists move from having an insurmountable boulder in front of them, to standing over a pile of gravel with a sledgehammer over their shoulder.  For me, […]

The Beginning of a Legend

On February 21, 1986, a young man in a green hat and tunic set out to liberate his country from an evil despot, claim powerful tools and restore the rightful ruler to her place upon the throne.  He knew it was dangerous to go alone…  but he wasn’t alone.  He had us, on the other […]

Just Checking In

I am still out of town, taking advantage of technology to check in and post a poem to the Artist and the Engineer.  I will be returning to my own home tomorrow night.  In the meantime, here are a few lines of verse and rhyme composed shortly after completing this sentence.                                                                               |           |                                                                  […]

Press Home to Continue

I’m not home right now. I am spending the weekend with family.  I am several hours from home, using a laptop computer to compose my daily blog, and someone else’s Internet connection to upload it.  Hundreds of miles and a completely different configuration of metal and plastic—communicating across a completely different network—isn’t enough to stop […]