A Solid Day Off

Today was a solid day off.  I even managed to write a little bit.

Mostly, though, I’m still having issues with concentration and interruption.  I think that has become my big issue with returning to writing.  When I was between jobs, I could sit at the computer all day, listen to music and get into the proper mindset to write a few thousand words in a few hours.  Lately, though, most days I only get an hour or so at the end of the day, if that.  And when I do have a day off, I end up having to run errands…  or find myself in an environment where there is too much movement and activity around me to get into that mindset.

At least I am enjoying myself by playing video games, as those are content I can step into and out of without much investment.  But really, I would rather be writing.

Today I hacked through a few hundred words, and cleaned up some previously-written content.  I was also productive in an adult human kind of way.  So overall, a solid day off indeed.

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Deep in the Wood

Deep in the dark and shadowed wood
There hides a special place,
Where once an ancient temple stood,
And magic shows its face.
To find this lost and secret site
Is every seeker’s dream:
To bathe in ancient forest’s light,
With nature all agleam.

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Written while listening to the Soundtrack to Final Fantasy XII:  The Zodiac Age (2017) by Hitoshi Sakamoto and Nobuo Uematsu.