Apologies Again

…and apparently, I was so tired last night that I didn’t properly upload anything to WordPress.  Apologies again.  I will be back home tomorrow night, and my schedule should return to normal thereafter.                                                                               |           |                                                                              Deep Apologies I do not mean to trust confuse,Nor helpless scapegoats to accuse.I cannot blame the tools […]


I spent all day (almost literally) completing a series of accomplishments in Final Fantasy Record Keeper and putting together a write-up of it on Reddit.  It is now 2:00 AM in the morning, and I really should have attended to my poetry sooner.  Apologies if it isn’t my finest piece of verse.                                                                               |           […]

Time to Relax

Too much work is seldom a bad thing, especially when it is highly enjoyable and fairly-compensated.  But after the last two weeks, culminating yesterday, I have come dangerously close to burn-out.  Thankfully, I have today and the rest of the weekend off, on account of visiting a sibling and nephews.  And next week should be […]

I’m Done

I think I’ve finished for the day.I guess I’ve had enough.I did not have a chance to play.I found the whole thing rough.I must retreat (not run away)If I’m to be alright.I’m done with all of this, I pray.It’s time to say good night.                                                                               |           |                                                                              Written while listening to B12’s Electro-Soma […]

The Mountain

I’m overwhelmed by light sublime,And humbled by a sight so prime.I know that I will never climbThis legendary mountain.Through summer, spring and wintertime,I stand in awe of every clime.I struggle through the prose and rhymeTo get my own account in.                                                                               |           |                                                                              Written while listening to Borknagar’s The Olden Domain (1997).

Life on Mars

They say there is no life on Mars,But maybe they are wrong.There might be secret reservoirsSubmerged there all along.Perhaps the polar ice caps hideAn ancient robot race,Waiting to be electrifiedAnd come to life in space. The barren deserts, rusted red,Might shelter other cluesOf what transpired, and what ledThis world it’s breath to lose.For now, we’ll […]

Make a Choice

Sometimes, it may appear as thoughThe world now waits, and holds its breath,Anticipating ebb and flowWhile contemplating life and death.It does not know quite what it wants,And thus, this middle ground it haunts. Commitment is a dirty wordIt seems (for me as well, it’s true).The world may find it quite absurdWhen blind acceptance we eschew.That […]

We Walk in the Light

We never know which winding roadOur path will turn down next.We do not need lie to goadUs on, nor poor pretext.We only need to walk in hopeThat where we go is right.For in the dark we will not gropeWhen we walk in the light.                                                                               |           |                                                                              Written while listening to Oceania’s Oceania […]

Stanzas from My Day

(with inspiration from Matthew Arnold) I long for where the crocus blooms,Those Alpine meadows, soft-suffused.Instead, the weight of this world looms,And leaves me feeling much confused.No bridge to cross, nor forest ride,And where I live, no mountain side. Too late may come the trumpet soundThat summons me, a shy recluse,To lands where faith and calm […]

A New Poetic Form

I need a new poetic form, I think.I’ve used this one so much, it’s on the brinkOf turning stale and overused.I’m certain that I canDiscover one by grace infusedTo fit my master plan.Tomorrow I shall form and function link.                                                                               |           |                                                                              Written while listening to Alison Wonderland’s Run (2015).