Ten Days

For what it’s worth, today was my tenth day in a row working (it’s a long story).  I love what I do, and I’m fully aware that there are many people out there for whom ten days is just getting warmed up.  I don’t mean to take any of this for granted.  But I am very tired, and very much looking forward to an extended weekend of creativity and productivity.  Hopefully in that order.

Maybe it’s time to get back to some of those short stories I’ve been sitting on (or working on)…

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There’s More to Life

They say that man was made for work,
But rest is crucial, too.
A day off isn’t just a perk,
A fee for which we’re due.
Too much duress can leave us scarred,
Unable to pull through.
There’s more to life than working hard
And all the things we do.

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Written while listening to Elf Shadows – Relaxing Dark Harp Music (2019), uploaded to YouTube by Peace of Mind.