The Wishing Well

(I’ve been attending a monthly open mic poetry reading, with the insistence that I write something new for each one, and put my name into the fish bowl to read—I still have very little experience letting other folks read my writing, outside of this blog, and I get very nervous in front of crowds…  so […]

The Yearning Jester

The harlequin, he loves to danceAnd entertain the crowd.But even jesters only pranceWhen feeling strong and proud.Beneath the makeup and the bellsThere hides a yearning soul.At pleasing others he excels,But who will make him whole?                                                                               |           |                                                                              Written while listening to Alas’ Absolute Purity (2001).

The Weary Knight

And now he has another quest,A burden that must be addressedBefore the shadows lengthen, lestAnother monster rise.Sometimes this weak and weary knightWould rather skip another fight.But such is not his fate tonight.No time to rest his eyes.                                                                               |           |                                                                              Written while listening to Secret Chiefs 3’s Book M (2001).

The Dragon Princess

The dragon princess won’t be crossed.Before the monarchy is lost,She rises up to join the fight(For in her heart, she knows what’s right).Though young, the dragon princess knowsThat villainy forever growsUnless it is by courage met(She will become a good queen yet).                                                                               |           |                                                                              Written while listening to Collective Soul’s Collective Soul […]

Taken Out of Context

When taken out of context, dialogueCan be confusing, or can clear the fog            That hides the inconsistencies            Affecting how we talk.            Such literal activities            Improve my writer’s walk.A conversation can become prologue.                                                                               |           |                                                                              Written while listening to Ulrich Schnauss and Mark Peters’ Underrated Silence (2012).

The Words We Use

The words we use are seldom what we mean;Far easier to choose when they are seen.If only we could write the words we say,Discussions always would progress our way.But reading what we speak would be quite strange.And if we could our sounds and thoughts arrange,Before we shared them with our fellow folk,Would we make sense […]

When Winter Comes

Behold the day, when winter comes!The blood it chills, the skin it numbs.With centuries of frost it thrums…Yet silent is today.No nights of ice or yuletide cold,For summer still reigns hot and bold.More months of heat must still unfold‘Till winter comes this way.                                                                               |           |                                                                              Written while listening to Hedningarna’s Trä (1994).

An Eightfold Path

An eightfold path I choose to walk…A thief with blade in hand,With scholar’s book or merchant’s talk,As dancer, passions fanned.A hunter’s bow, a cleric’s faith,A warrior in wrath;A kind apothecary, eighthUpon this octopath.                                                                               |           |                                                                              Written while listening to Carcass’ Surgical Steel (2013).

We Only Have So Many Words

Today, I heard a wise man sayWe only have so many wordsTo use, before we fade away.We should not live like morning birdsThat sing and warble every day,Without an interest in the world.We must our rampant discourse stay,Lest life’s last banner be unfurled.                                                                               |           |                                                                              Written while listening to Earth Garden – […]

The Dragon Has Returned

The hour long awaited nowArrives.  A teardrop we allow,As history fulfills its vow:The dragon has returned.The stories promised long agoHave over time grown begun to grow,Until our expectations showHow much we are concerned. Can any story be enough?Anticipation is so toughTo please.  To wait so long is rough.For ages we have yearnedFor yet another tale […]