Too Many Eyes

All eyes are on the one who stands
Within the dark.  The lone explorer
Holds a lantern in her hands,
Defense against the eldritch horror.
Faced with far too many eyes,
She slowly crumbles into madness
Knowing, just before she dies,
Naught else but disbelief and sadness.

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For the month of October, the art supply store at which I work is doing their own variation of Inktober (an artistic exercise wherein participants draw something every day for 31 days).  Essentially, it is the same thing, but with different prompts and its own name.  While I certainly know my way around pens and ink, this year I’ve decided to participate via poetry.  Each poem this month will be based around that day’s prompt, which will serve as its title.  For a complete list of prompts, please see the post “A Black Cat Crosses Your Path” from October 1.

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Written while listening to Breakthrough | Instrumental Worship (2021), uploaded to YouTube by Soaking in His Presence.