Powerless to Do Anything About It

Last night, shortly before I was going to sit down for my evening poetry, I lost power.  The entire neighborhood found itself without electricity for some time, while I found myself caught with a very low percentage on my mobile device.  With little other recourse—but a reminder of my reliance upon electricity for not only […]

Not the Year I Was Expecting, Part 1

No poem last night.  Apologies if anyone was disappointed, but I had some sudden health-related issues crop up that needed immediate attention, and the hospital is not exactly an expeditious place to get anything done nowadays.  My heart and prayers go out to all the nurses and medical professionals working in hospital emergency rooms right […]

I Now Know What

I’ve been doing a freakish amount of writing lately, to the tune of more than ten thousand words in the last ten days.  It’s been glorious. I’ve also been watching What-If?, the latest Marvel show to grace the streaming screen.    This evening was the Season Finale, and I was able to go into it with […]

Ten Days

For what it’s worth, today was my tenth day in a row working (it’s a long story).  I love what I do, and I’m fully aware that there are many people out there for whom ten days is just getting warmed up.  I don’t mean to take any of this for granted.  But I am […]

I’m in a Mood

Have you ever just been in a bad mood, for no reason?  I’m kind of there right now.  Life is good, my health is improving, I’ve got a belly filled with a food and fingers ready to type out poetry…  and I’m just kind of feeling a little foul-hearted right now.  For no legitimate reason.  […]

Under the Weather

So, I’ve actually been feeling pretty bad for the last couple weeks.  I’m doing much better now—it’s a chronic ailment thing, with new medication that has helped for the time being—hence the lack of prose to accompany my poetry.  Apologies, if these diatribes are something folks are interested in. But I just finished watching the […]

Home Again

I had a wonderful extended weekend with my sibling’s family, and endlessly enjoyed time with my nephews.  I don’t have children of my own—and if anything, this weekend has helped me accept that I am definitely not ready for them at this time of my life—but it was truly a blessing to be able to […]

Apologies Again

…and apparently, I was so tired last night that I didn’t properly upload anything to WordPress.  Apologies again.  I will be back home tomorrow night, and my schedule should return to normal thereafter.                                                                               |           |                                                                              Deep Apologies I do not mean to trust confuse,Nor helpless scapegoats to accuse.I cannot blame the tools […]


I spent all day (almost literally) completing a series of accomplishments in Final Fantasy Record Keeper and putting together a write-up of it on Reddit.  It is now 2:00 AM in the morning, and I really should have attended to my poetry sooner.  Apologies if it isn’t my finest piece of verse.                                                                               |           […]

Time to Relax

Too much work is seldom a bad thing, especially when it is highly enjoyable and fairly-compensated.  But after the last two weeks, culminating yesterday, I have come dangerously close to burn-out.  Thankfully, I have today and the rest of the weekend off, on account of visiting a sibling and nephews.  And next week should be […]