I Close My Eyes

Beneath the water, I now restIn stillness, having passed my test.The time has come.  Now decompressed,At peace, I close my eyes.The dark and cold and silence areA gift to me.  From my bell jarI bid farewell to every star…Until the next sunrise.                                                                               |           |                                                                              Written while listening to The Element of Water […]

A Scary Story on Halloween

One day left in the month…  and one more scary story to share in honor of Halloween.  This is my favorite holiday, aside from Christmas, and for years I had the honor of publishing short stories commemorating the holiday.  Two down, one to go…  I hope you have enjoyed reading these tales as much as […]

Good Morning

There are two days left in the month…  and two more scary stories to share in honor of Halloween.  This is my favorite holiday, aside from Christmas, and for years I had the honor of publishing short stories commemorating the holiday.  I posted one yesterday; this is another one.  I hope you continue to enjoy. […]

The Piper’s Fee

There are three days left in the month…  and three scary stories to share in honor of Halloween.  This is my favorite holiday, aside from Christmas, and for years I had the honor of publishing short stories commemorating the holiday.  This is one of them.  I hope you enjoy.                                                                               |           |                                                                              The […]

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

Is WordPress going to allow me to set the category on this post to Fiction?  I guess I’m about to find out…  regardless, here is another old short story, from my previously-published days.  I still don’t think any of this is available anywhere else, anymore, and I still don’t know if I have the rights […]

Riddles in the Dark

Here’s another old short story I had published in a magazine I used to write for.  This is actually the first and oldest story I wrote for the publication, and reading it now it does feel a little dated.  But I believe in recognizing the past and learning from it, not hiding it away and […]

Martian Invasion

I’ve been out most of the day, and really haven’t had a chance to write much (aside from a one-hour stint that somehow cranked out 1,300 words worth of synopsis for an upcoming story).  But I’m still thinking about past stories that may not otherwise see the light of day again, save for the Artist […]

The Duke and the Bandit

Here’s another creative writing blast from the past…  I’ve been meaning to upload these to the Artist and the Engineer eventually, so while I’d rather have some more original—and more modern—content to post, I’m happy to be continuing with daily additions, and sharing some fiction that might otherwise be lost to older publications and older […]

Little Angel

I’ve been very much in a creative writing mood lately—something about losing one’s job in retail when one’s true calling is as a writer, I suppose.  And while I don’t really have anything contemporary to share at this point, I found myself thinking back to a short story I published many years ago, that perhaps […]