Like the Sands of Arrakis

In case it wasn’t clear from last night’s poem, I finally sat down to watch the new Dune movie.  It seems to be a polarizing film, with fans (and critics) either loving it or hating it.  For the record, I am firmly in the loving it camp. I had to think about the film for […]


Maybe because I was on the slow side of watching all eight episodes, but it took me a while to wrap my brain around Sweet Tooth, a recently-released series on Netflix.  I have heard that it is based on a comic book or graphic novel, though I am unfamiliar with the source material.  So I […]

Coda: The Nevers

…and lest I forget, the Nevers.  One of the things I set out to do while on vacation was watch through the first (and only, as of yet) six episodes.  I knew that, between my laptop and an HDMI cable and the various amenities at various hotels, I would be able to do the deed.  […]

One Last Movie (In Memoriam)

I alluded to it the other day, but I managed to squeeze in one last movie Sunday afternoon, prior to the Academy Awards.  And much as the ceremony attempted to (albeit failing utterly in the process), I would like to provide an in memoriam of my own for the 2020 movie season by offering up […]

And the Diatribe Goes To…

So.  The Academy Awards. I was able to go into the show having seen at least one film in every category except for Visual Effects, one of the Writing categories and the usual assortment of short films / documentaries / international films that are difficult to track down even in the best of years.  This […]

One Last Chance…

I am out of town right now, visiting family in anticipation of tomorrow night’s Academy Awards show.  I might have mentioned something about it in a previous diatribe.  Or two.  Regardless, this evening we sat down for one last movie-watching experience before the ceremony.  And for our final film of the 2020 – 2021 movie […]

Onward, Towards the Ceremony

The week-long quest towards the Academy Awards Ceremony continues with another film…  Onward. I really like this one.  Granted, Pixar films are almost always enjoyable (it helps that I have a soft spot for animation in general).  But as someone who grew up reading fantasy and playing stereotypical role-playing games, I really enjoyed how Onward […]

Resounding Metal

One dedicated movie-watching in, and this year’s week-long Academy Award season is officially on. Tonight, I watched Sound of Metal, a powerful drama staring Riz Ahmed as a heavy metal drummer and recovering drug addict who loses his hearing.  This causes him to understandably crash and burn, nearly costing him his sobriety but forcing him […]

A Mutant of a New Movie

I still haven’t psyched myself up to return to Attack of the Titans.  And the latest episode of the Falcon and the Winter Soldier comes tomorrow night.  Tonight, I finally had a chance to sit down and watch the New Mutants. For the record, I’m a comic book geek who goes back to the 80’s […]

Modern Day Elementary

I may have mentioned this before, but one of my current projects is a Victorian-era mystery.  Nothing too specific about it here, but I do have aspirations for a young adult audience, or at least fiction in that style.  Maybe part of me simply never grew up.  Regardless, this evening I found myself engaged with […]